Eden hazrds Dad was a professional football player when he was young.
He was born in la louviere in belgium. He has three brothers. His dad and mum played for belgium when he was young. His mum stop playing football When she got pregnant. When Eden Harzd was young he was
The best player in the football in the belgium camp. He wanted to be a
Profession when he was young. At his camp everyone like him in the
Camp. Eden hazrd has played in chelsea for 4 years. Brother thorgan Hazrd,
Brother Ethan hazrd, Son Loe Hazrd, Brother Kylian hazrd, Son Yannis and
Father Thierry Hazrd. Eden hazrd was in belgium for 8 years.
This is my passion project and I am happy and not happy at the same time. The happy reason is because I used my absorption muscles. And the not happy reason is because I didn't finish it. I got my notes done for some paragraphs.
Passion Projects Reflection
Please answer all of the following questions
Describe your passion project. What was your learning in it? My learning was learning about Eden Hazard.
What were you trying to produce? A report about Eden Hazard.
How far did you get with your passion project? I needed to do 2 more paragraphs.
What would have helped you to get further? Managing Distractions so I could keep on track well.
What was the most challenging part of your passion project? Finding facts and reading well.
What was surprising about your passion project? That I didn’t finish it- I might have thought it was a bit easier than it was.
Did you follow your plan well? Why or why not? I didn’t follow the plan because I didn’t finish it.
Which learning muscles did you use the most while you were working on your passion project Absorption.
How did you use each one? Absorption by sitting in the quiet room and focusing on my task.
Which learning muscles did you find difficult to stretch during passion project time Managing distractions because some of my work was with Amos, and sometimes we worked hard and sometimes distracted.
Include a picture/embedded link to your passion project?https://goo.gl/NpHxfIhttps://goo.gl/NpHxfI
If you were allowed to pick a new passion project, what would you choose and why? Doing football/soccer skills because I think I would've finished it.
What was your favourite part of passion projects
The report part because I was using the absorption muscle.